Saturday, May 16, 2009

Day 136- Old Friend

This afternoon, my family arrived at the same festival where I spent the night witnessing. The daytime audience is much different compared to at night. While walking, I ran into an old friend from my past life. We shook hands and showed off our kids. After I had introduced the kids, I reached into my pocket and handed him a gospel tract. He knows I'm a Christian. We have mutual friends who keep us both up to date. I know he needs Jesus. When I handed him the gospel tract, he began to thwart every attempt to share the gospel. His focus was my past life which I dare not entertain. I remember my past which is why I love Jesus as much as I do. He saved me, and he can save my old friend as well. An evangelist should be known for his bloody knees. I have been praying for my old friend all day today. I'm sure that I will continue because I truly care where he will spend eternity.

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