Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 238- Seasons in Life

Everyone has seasons in life. Witnessing every day causes my motives, how I spend my time, methods I use, and my mood to be constantly evaluated and corrected. There are times where I truly do not feel like getting out of my comfort zone and sharing the good news. My flesh and the opinion of others will sometimes get in the way of my theology and I daily have to renew my mind. While at the gas station today, I saw a man securing a load of furniture in the back of his truck. My first thought was, "I'm not in the mood. I'm tired and it has been a long day." Recognizing that this was not the thoughts of someone walking in the Spirit, I prayed. I didn't feel any better when I lifted my head, but my legs did start moving. I handed the man a million dollar bill and said, "Sir, take this in case something falls out. I figure that couch is worth at least a million dollars." He smiled, but did not engage in conversation. At this point, I normally try to end with a lesson learned from this encounter. I'm sure you can probably find a few. I would write one at this point, but…..I'm not in the mood.

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